When our kids...Blake, Brant and Jenny...began
finishing college and getting married, Susie began buying and selling antique furniture and accessories and establishing
a flourishing antique business. To help her in that effort, I began repairing, restoring and cleaning up the items that
needed fixing.
That work has continued in our garage/workshop
and, today, I spend lots of time repairing and restoring antiques and other furniture that, for instance, need wooden
parts to replace missing or broken pieces...and then finishing the piece to match the original finish...so that no one could
notice that there had been damage.
Most of
our customers are in the antique business, but many are simply individuals who have some old furniture or items they love
that are not being used because they're broken and need fixing. They should get in touch with us and talk about "bringing
those pieces back to life"!
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